Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Things are heating up, literally. During the day, we walk around the city and if you walk in the sunlight, it's like a sauna. The mornings are freezing, but by mid-day everyone is begging for the shade. The sky is always an electric blue, and things are even brighter reflecting off of the stone buildings. It's days like today that make siesta so appealing. We now have our cell phones, so we don't all have to walk around together and die in the heat.

Last night, we went to the Plaza Mayor (like most nights) to have a drink out in the square, and listen to the traditional Spanish bands. We had our sangria and enjoyed people watching. It's even more beautiful walking at night because all of the cathedrals and old buildings are illuminated, so you can see the littlest detail.

This morning we started clases at the Escuela International. It's not REAL class in that our grades are moot and these aren't real teachers. But it's fun to be forced to study grammar again. There are other international students there, some from France, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Germany. It's so cool that our only common language is Spanish because I'm so used to it being English. We have a little tarea to do tonight, and a mini test each Thursday. It's cute.

And we went to tapas today instead of the cafeteria lunch. It was delicious a very nice experience to have cerveza with lunch and share our dishes. I should have looked at the prices, because I seem to have picked the most expensive tapas steak on the menu... I'm pretty sure that when I said solomillo I meant the cheaper one. But those waiters will always charge you more if they know you're not a native. Spaniards would never fall for that, oh well. It was delicious nonetheless.

Now it's siesta time, and then tonight we're taking a tour of the newer cathedral (12th century is new, huh). Until then!

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